Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Who is going to pay the White People whose ancestors were brought here as slaves. This presentation is much shorter than it could be, but space does not allow more.

The documentary record compels us to face the fact that a holocaust was perpetrated against generations of poor White People whose sufferings are far more than is presented here. The horrors they experienced equal anything the more famous sufferers have undergone. Yet, of all the dusty shelves in the dark corners of "SUPPRESSED" history, none has been more completely obscured than the story of the WHITE SLAVES OF COLONIAL AMERICA!

A famous history professor stated that history was not a science but a continuing investigation into the past; a person's conclusion is based on their own bias. This story will offer evidence that the Alba, Scots, Irish and Pics have been the longest race held in slavery. The reader will be responsible for their own bias pertaining to White Slavery.

Alexander Stewart was herded off the Gildart in July of 1747, bound with chains. Stewart was pushed onto the auction block in Wecomica, St Mary's County, Maryland. Doctor Stewart and his brother William were attending the auction, aware of Alexander being on that slave ship coming from Liverpool England.

Doctor Stewart and William were residents of Annapolis and brothers to David of Ballachalun in Montieth, Scotland. The two brothers paid nine pound six shillings sterling to Mr. Benedict Callvert of Annapolis for the purchase of Alexander. He was a slave. Alexander tells of the other 88 Scots sold into slavery that day in "THE LYON IN MOURNING" pages 242‑243. Jeremiah Howell was a lifetime‑indentured servant by his uncle in Lewis County, Virginia in the early 1700's.

His son, Jeremiah, won his freedom by fighting in the Revolution. THERE WERE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF SCOTS SOLD INTO SLAVERY DURING COLONIAL AMERICA. White slavery to the American Colonies occurred as early as 1630 in Scotland.

According to the Egerton manuscript, British Museum, the enactment of 1652: it may be lawful for two or more justices of the peace within any county, citty or towne, corporate belonging to the commonwealth to from tyme to tyme by warrant cause to be apprehended, seized on and detained all and every person or persons that shall be found begging and vagrant.. in any towne, parish or place to be conveyed into the Port of London, or unto any other port from where such person or persons may be� shipped into a forraign collonie or plantation.

The judges of Edinburgh Scotland during the years 1662‑1665 ordered the enslavement and shipment to the colonies a large number of rogues and others who made life unpleasant for the British upper class. (Register for the Privy Council of Scotland, third series, vol. 1, p 181, vol. 2, p 101).

The above accounting sounds horrific but slavery was what the Scots have survived for a thousand years. The early ancestors of the Scots, Alba and Pics were enslaved as early as the first century BC. Varro, a Roman philosopher stated in his agricultural manuscripts that white slaves were only things with a voice or instrumenti vocali. Julius Caesar enslaves as many as one million whites from Gaul. (William D Phillips, Jr. SLAVERY FROM ROMAN TIMES TO EARLY TRANSATLANTIC TRADE, p. 18).

Pope Gregory in the sixth century first witnessed blonde hair, blue eyed boys awaiting sale in a Roman slave market. The Romans enslaved thousands of white inhabitants of Great Britain, who were also known as Angles. Pope Gregory was very interested in the looks of these boys therefore asking their origin. He was told they were Angles from Briton. Gregory stated, "Non Angli, sed Angeli." (Not Angles but Angels).

The eighth to the eleventh centuries proved to be very profitable for Rouen France. Rouen was the transfer point of Irish and Flemish slaves to the Arabian nations. The early centuries AD the Scottish were known as Irish. William Phillips on page 63 states that the major component of slave trade in the eleventh century were the Vikings. They spirited many 'Irish' to Spain, Scandinavia and Russia. Legends have it; some 'Irish' may have been taken as far as Constantinople.

Ruth Mazo Karras wrote in her book, "SLAVERY AND SOCIETY IN MEDEIVEL SCANDINAVIA" pg. 49; Norwegian Vikings made slave raids not only against the Irish and Scots (who were often called Irish in Norse sources) but also against Norse settlers in Ireland or Scottish Isles or even in Norway itself. Slave trading was a major commercial activity of the Viking Age. The children of the White slaves in Iceland were routinely murdered en masse. (Karras pg 52)

According to these resources as well as many more, the Scots‑Irish have been enslaved longer than any other race in the world's history. Most governments do not teach White Slavery in their World History classes. Children of modern times are only taught about the African slave trade. The Scots do not need to be taught because they are very aware of the atrocities upon an enslaved race. Most importantly, we have survived to become one to the largest races on Earth!!!

The record of suppressed records, portions excised in the interests of dogma, politics and all the other alibis of falsehood. We will present to you the truth and follow it wherever it leads, however much it upsets the peddler's cart of the modern pitchmen of recent opinion. Elbert Hubbard tells us that, "It is not deeds or acts that last, it is the written record of those deeds and acts."

Mr. Hoffman, in his book �They Were White And They Were Slaves,� provides a small voice as a memorial to the heroic lives of toil and the indomitable spirit of perseverance of the White Slaves of the past, who are in many cases THE FOREFATHERS AND FOREMOTHERS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS ALIVE TODAY; A VITAL PART OF OUR HERITAGE WHICH SHOULD NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!

This is a history of White People that has seldom, if ever, been told in any coherent form, largely because most modern historians have, for reasons of politics or psychology, refused to recognize White Slaves in early America as just that.

MOST HISTORIANS OF TODAY ARE TOTAL COWARDS, AND ARE NOT WILLING TO PRESENT ANYTHING THAT MIGHT UPSET THE ESTABLISHMENT. And if they do display the courage necessary to present the truth, they will be ridiculed and driven from the faculties of the so‑called halls of learning. Others have their own agenda, which has nothing to do with truth; an agenda to present a false historical perspective so as to destroy the faith of White Americans and so destroy their pride in the process.

"They were of two sorts, first such as were brought over by masters of ships to be sold as servants. Such as we call them my dear,' says she, 'but they are more properly called slaves.'" (Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders)

Today, not a tear is shed for the sufferings of millions of our own enslaved forefathers. Two hundred years of White Slaver in America has been almost completely obliterated from the collective memory of the American people.

"Who wants to be reminded that half ‑‑ perhaps as many as two‑thirds ‑‑ of the original American colonists came here, not of their own free will, but kidnaped, shanghaied, impressed, duped, beguiled, and yes, in chains?...we tend to gloss over it...we'd prefer to forget the whole sorry chapter..." (Elaine Kendall, Los Angeles Times, September 1, 1985)

A correct understanding of the authentic history of the enslavement of Whites in America could have profound consequences for the future of the races: "We cannot be sure that the position of the earliest Africans differed markedly from that of the� White Indentured Servants. The debate has considerable significance for the interpretation of race relations in American history." (Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made, p. 31)


With the massive concentration of educational and media resources on the Negro experience of slavery the unspoken assumption has been that only Blacks have been enslaved to any degree or magnitude worthy of study or memorial. The historical record reveals that this is not the case, however.

White People Have Been Sold as Slaves for Centuries!

For instance, among the ancient Greeks, despite their tradition of democracy, the enslavement of fellow Whites, even fellow Greeks, was the order of the day. Aristotle considered White slaves as things. The Romans also had no compunctions against enslaving Whites who they too termed "a thing."

In his agricultural writings, the first century B.C. Roman philosopher Varro labeled White Slaves as nothing more than "tools that happened to have voices." Cato the Elder, discoursing on plantation management, proposed that White Slaves when old or ill should be discarded along with worn‑out farm implements. Julius Caesar enslaved as many as one million Whites from Gaul, some of whom were sold to the slave dealers who followed his victorious legions. (William D. Phillips, Jr., Slavery From Roman Times To The Early Transatlantic Trade, p. 18)

In A.D. 319 the "Christian" Emperor of Rome, Constantine, ruled that if an owner whipped his White Slave to death, "he should not stand in any criminal accusation if the slave dies; and all statutes of limitations and legal interpretations are hereby set aside." (Thomas Wiedemann, Greek and Roman Slaver, selection 187, p. 174)

The Romans enslaved thousands of the early White inhabitants of Great Britain who were known as "Angles," from which we drive the term "Anglo‑Saxon" as a description of the English race. In the sixth century Pope Gregory the First saw blond‑haired, blue‑eyed English boys awaiting sale in a slave market in Rome. Inquiring of their origin, the Pope was told they were Angles. Gregory replied, "Non Angli, sed Angeli" (Not Angles, but Angels). When the Franks [French] conquered the Visigoths in Southern Gual huge numbers of Whites entered the slave markets.

"After Charlemange's conquest of Saxony, during which many Saxons were enslaved, he set up a network of parish churches. To provide for the maintenance of the priest and the church, those living in the parish were to donate a house and land as well as a male and female (Saxon) slave to the church for every 120 people in the parish." (William Phillips, p. 52)

The trade in White Slaves was one of the few sources of foreign exchange for Western European powers in a period when the East produced the goods that Europeans could not procure elsewhere. The Sale of White Slaves to Asia and Africa was one of the few sources of gold for European treasuries.

From the eighth to the eleventh century France was a major transfer point for White Slaves to the Muslim world, with Rouen being the center for the selling of Irish and Flemish Slaves. "At the same time that France was a transfer point for slaves to the Muslim world, Italy was occupying much the same position...Venetians (were)...selling slaves and timber across the Mediterranean. The slaves were usually Slavs brought across the Alps...The Venetians were the earliest successful Italian sea traders and because profits on (slave) trade with the Muslims were lucrative, they resisted efforts to stop them. In return for their exports of timber, iron and (White) Slaves, they brought in oriental luxury products, mainly fine cloths..." (William Phillips, pp. 62)

Slavery, by the way, was not a white institution. The slaves sold in� this country came from Africa, where they were rounded up by other� Africans, marched to seaports, and sold to slave traders. (The Redneck Manifesto, by Jim Goad)

The true history of slavery in this country is a deep dark secret, not� even touched upon by our educators, even during Black History Month. For truth in America today is not politically correct.

The concept of someone owning a slave for life began with a poor indentured servant named John Casor, whose indenture to Anthony Johnson had expired, but Johnson insisted Casor was his for

his natural life. Casor brought the matter to court, and in 1665, a Northumberland court in the Virginia Colony held in favor of Johnson, which started the demand for slaves who were systematically rounded up for sale by their fellow Africans. Both litigants were black Africans. (This very interesting bit of history can be found in your local library in the FEB/MAR 1993 edition of AMERICAN HERITAGE Magazine, Vol. 441).

The article, SELLING POOR STEVEN, also deals with the U.S. Census of 1830 which showed that 3,775 Free Negro's owned 12,760 slaves. Some women owned their husbands (You've come a long way, baby?), and vice versa. 25% of the free Negro's in New Orleans were slave owners.� Free Negro parents sold their children into slavery for fun and profit.

Thomas Young, a free Negro of Chatham Co. GA owned 302 slaves. He leased them out to plantation owners. Many others did likewise. Thomas Young, a free Negro of Chatham Co. GA owned 302 slaves. He leased them out to� plantation owners. Many others did likewise. This is outlined in the book �FREE NEGRO OWNERS OF SLAVES IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1830,� by Carter G. Woodson, a Negro historian.

Their is among them a George Washington of Washington DC. Ironically, the super sensitive black educators of New Orleans changed the name of one of their schools from George Washington, because he was a slave owner. Why are these facts not brought to light by our educators?

Interviews with ex-slaves were written down and published. Instead of claiming they were treated badly, most of the ex-slaves longed for the days when their "marsters" were with them. They said their "marsters" were their best friends. In fact, they longed for those days again.

Forgotten Black Voices

American slaves had surprisingly positive things to say about slavery.

by Gedahlia Braun

From September-October, 1993, issue

On the subject of the treatment of American slaves, your readers may be interested to know that during the Depression someone had the idea of sending people to the South to interview the last remaining blacks who had been slaves--all then in their 80s and 90s. Someone named George P. Rawick has compiled these narratives into a 19-volume collection called The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography, which is published by Greenwood Press.

Several books have been based on these interviews, and a few years ago I read one called Before Freedom: 48 Oral Histories of Former North and South Carolina Slaves. It was edited by Belinda Hurmence, and published by Mentor (Penguin) in 1990. I recall that of these 48 interviews only two could be called hostile to former masters, slavery, or whites. Some were more or less neutral, but certainly the largest number expressed a positive attitude toward former owners and to slavery. Here are some excerpts:

Patsy Mitchner, age 84 when interviewed on July 2, 1937:

Before two years had passed after the surrender, there was two out of every three slaves who wished they was back with their marsters. The marsters' kindness to the nigger after the war is the cause of the nigger having things today. There was a lot of love between marster and slave, and there is few of us that don't love the white folks today. . . . Slavery was better for us than things is now, in some cases. Niggers then didn't have no responsibility; just work, obey, and eat.

Betty Cofer, age 81:

The rest of the family was all fine folks and good to me, but I loved Miss Ella better'n anyone or anything else in the world. She was the best friend I ever had. If I ever wanted for anything, I just asked her and she give it to me or got it for me somehow. . . . I done lived to see three generations of my white folks come and go and they're the finest folks on earth.

Adeline Johnson, age 93:

That was a happy time, with happy days. . . . I'll be satisfied to see my Savior that my old marster worshiped and my husband preach about. I wants to be in heaven with all my white folks, just to wait on them and love them, and serve them, sorta like I did in slavery time. That will be enough heaven for Adeline.

Mary Anderson, age 86:

I think slavery was a mighty good thing for Mother, Father, me and the other members of the family, and I cannot say anything but good for my old marster and missus, but I can only speak for those whose conditions I have known during slavery and since. For myself and them, I will say again, slavery was a mighty good thing.

Simuel Riddick, age 95:

My white folks were fine people. . . . I haven't anything to say against slavery. My old folks put my clothes on me when I was a boy. They gave me shoes and stockings and put them on me when I was a little boy. I loved them, and I can't go against them in anything. There were things I did not like about slavery on some plantations, whupping and selling parents and children from each other, but I haven't much to say. I was treated good.

Sylvia Cannon, age 85:

Things sure better long time ago then they be now. I know it. Colored people never had no debt to pay in slavery time. Never hear tell about no colored people been put in jail before freedom. Had more to eat and more to wear then, and had good clothes all the time 'cause white folks furnish everything, everything. Had plenty peas, rice, hog meat, rabbit, fish, and such as that.

As I reflect on these interviews, they remind me of what I find now among non-Westernized Africans. They like and respect whites because, generally speaking, whites treat them better than their fellow blacks do.

In the introduction to this collection, the editor is at pains to explain all of these favorable statements about whites and slavery. The best she can do is to point out that these interviews were taken in the midst of the Depression and people must have looked back nostalgically to the past when blacks had food, clothing, housing, etc.

Even if this could explain the fond memories of the condition of slavery, it does not explain fond memories of white owners. What is especially surprising is that after sifting through thousands of interviews, and with the clearly expressed liberal bias of the editor, there is still such a preponderance of positive expressions about whites and slavery. One is bound to conclude that this was at least a very common reaction if not perhaps even typical.

Reference Materials